Sunday, 30 August 2009

When it is time to increase the weight?

Without progression, the body has no reason to conform and that leads to stagnant coaching.

Which is commonly known as the scary PLEATEU. If you are not making gains with your present program, then you are not going to realize the results you would like. A gigantic mistake many of us make is finding a program and sticking with it whether or not the program isn't manufacturing results.

"If you keep on doing what you have always done, you can keep on getting what you have always got." -- W. L. Bateman a standard belief is if you just stick with the program, results are inescapable. Think about this...

If you are not seeing results on an once per month foundation in some capacity, it's time to switch the coaching custom.

99% of success comes from having a well formulated plan. A good plan includes tracking your progress. By monitoring your nourishment, body composition, and keeping a coaching book, you'll be able to find out how you are progressing or if you're not making any progress. Keeping some kind of book will permit you to make educated choices on when and if it is time to change your coaching load ( the weight you are lifting ). Arnold Squatting Frankly... If you don't set particular goals, and if you don't monitor the own progress toward those goals, then how are you able to appraise if you're making progress? Your coaching program must be targeted on progression to meet your general goals. This is where having a particular goal and timetable is important.

You do not need to just training the same way for an extended period and hope for results. But let me return to the start of your question and let's see if there's a straightforward way to work out when to extend the weight you are using in your coaching program. Graves and Baechle developed a dynamic formula to appraise when progression is required called the 2-for-2 Rule. They announced that "if you can successfully complete 2 or more repetitions in the last set in 2 successive workouts for any given exercise the load should be increased." as an example, three sets of eight repetitions might be prescribed for a selected exercise. When you can complete 2 more repetitions ( i.e. Ten reps ) on the last set for two uninterrupted sessions the weight should be increased. The Global Sports and Science organisation ( ISSA ) suggests a load increase of two percent to five percent p.c for sophisticated trainees and five pc to ten percent % for new and intermediate trainees. But first an alert : complicated sportsmen who are beyond these tenets will often need to adjust the ranges as required where an amateur might not. The cause of this is the noob has much more space from improvement than a seasoned sportsman.

Another excuse for this is a newbie has plenty of neural transformations occurring instead of muscle hypertrophy. Improved motor unit synchronization and the recruitment of new motor units account for this quicker rate of progression. This is one reason that new strength sportsmen will progress in strength quicker than muscle size.

The real guide to proper pre-workout nutrition

As the old chestnut goes, "if you fail to prepare, you are getting ready to fail", and the same is still true for every one of your workout sessions. Each session in the gymnasium should be treated as a battle, and just like every other battle in life you have to enter it with correct psychological and physical readiness.

This paper will deal with the physical side and will teach you how to prime your body before struggling the weights with correct before workout nourishment. A carefully planned before workout meal will make sure that you usually enter the gymnasium at top strength and will supply your body with the obligatory tools to fight the weights as effectively as possible. The three main goals of the pre workout meal are :

1. - Maximise your strength potential.

2. - offer a powerful stream of balanced energy for your intelligence and muscles across the workout.

3. - Minimize muscle breakdown and supply the raw tools for your body to start the recovery process once the workout is over.

The very first thing to be sure of is that you are correctly hydrated before starting your workout. Water plays a vital role in keeping strength and energy levels topped, so always make sure that you have consumed a sufficient quantity of water in the few hours before you train. Around 30-45 mins before entering the gymnasium you must consume your before workout meal. The 1st element of this meal is, you know it, protein. This protein will keep your body in an anabolic state through your workout and will help to stop muscle breakdown as you train. I'd suggest that you consume 30-40 grams of top of the range protein, ideally coming from a mixture of whey protein and casein. This may best be achieved by mixing 25-30 grams of whey protein in 300-400ml of skim milk. Whey protein implies a great before workout choice as it is naturally high in BCAA's, which help to stop muscle catabolism during your workout. Mixing your whey with milk is a smart idea because this may slow down the release of the protein and supply your body with a regular stream of amino acids through your workout.

Together with your protein shake you must also consume 1-2 portions of low-glycemic carbs. Low glycemic carbs are excellent before the workout because they're broken down and soaked up steadily in the blood vessels, providing your body with a powerful stream of energy through your workout. When you consume high glycemic carbs that are fast released into your bloodstream, your body will release a surge of insulin to try to level out your blood sugar. This will end up in a fast rise in insulin levels followed by a big drop. The decline in insulin levels will leave you feeling feeble, exhausted and lethargic. This is the very last thing you need in the middle of a high power workout, so select carbs that will not cause this fast fluctuation in insulin levels. Pre workout carbohydrate choices like oatmeal, apples or brown rice will supply your body with a regular flow of sugars across the workout and will keep your energy levels topped at any time. This before workout meal should be reasonably little to make allowance for straightforward digestion and to stop you from feeling unwell when you train.

You need to never workout without having a meal in you first. So, solely to sum up : 30-45 minutes before your workout : one. ) 25-30 grams of whey protein mixed with 300-400ml of milk two.

) 1-2 portions of slow release carbs ( i.e. Oatmeal, brown rice, apple ) I also like to chuck in a cup or 2 of coffee before my workouts as I find this increases my energy and amplifies my focus nicely.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Why cardio doesnt always work for weight loss

I was at a gigantic event last week and was reminded how crucial it is to have techniques for this season of calorie-heavy parties and tight schedules. But I am getting ticked off by the knackered old proposals you find on the web or in mags like Lady's World. Regularly the proposals are lack any substance, as the writers don't need to imply you really have to make a sacrifice to be successful. They make fat loss sound easy, as if all you had to do was park at the far end of the carpark and you'd burn all of the calories from five shortbread cookies. Well it does not work that way...So here are my politically wrong, unique Turbulence Coaching techniques to help keep off the holiday pounds. BTW, I "borrowed" some concepts from competitors in my Turbulence Coaching Evolution Contest. The Alteration is rocking with social support and success stories at the moment, even while the remainder of the world struggles with weight gain, these TT users are losing fat over the vacations.

Strategy one - Green Tea & Almonds One of the commonest tips you can hear is to "fill up" before you go to a party where there'll be plenty of goodies. Sadly , the majority I rap with have no luck with this tip. Most folk still go to a party and eat everything in sight. But lately TT users have let me know that having a cup of Green Tea and one oz.

of almonds has helped them avoid vacation longings better than anything ever before.

The fiber from the almonds decreases appetite while the little quantity of caffeine from the Green Tea appears to increase psychological application and keep you "energized" at the party. Hopefully that might work for you...

System two - do not squander your time on any fancy cardiovascular programs Listen, the final analysis over the vacation season is that your success depends virtually completely on your nutrition. You can not expect to hit the cardiovascular confessional and burn off yesterday evening's 2k calorie smorgasboard. That is a 4-hour workout. Instead, do not get into that situation in the 1st place. Here are way more nourishment tips : - concentrate on portion control ( and if you haven't any discipline, forget even making an attempt to eat only one ) - Nix all drinks mixed with calorie-containing drinks, or better yet, just stop getting drunk, period. - Write down everything you eat to spot your problem spots. Then do whatever you must do to dump your weaknesses. If you do not record your nourishment, probabilities are you can miss gigantic occasions to change your diet and lose fat.

Method three - look after yourself first. So take a big breath. Ask as you are running around to delight everybody else, "Have you put aside time for yourself" Be self-occupied.

Ensure you have had a little exercise time, some good nourishment, and some rest before overextending yourself and doing too much for people when you have not looked after yourself and your goals first.

Methodology four - Get on a roll This one comes out of a TT Alteration competitor who is too busy losing fat to get off track over the vacations. Don't waste time until Jan first. Start now. Many ladies and men are doing their Turbulence Training Transformations at this time - thru the center of the vacation season. They are not waiting for Jan. First to turn up. They're assuming control now, and getting on a roll, and not letting anything ( from work parties to peer pressure ) get in their way. Methodology five - Exercise in short bursts when you can Don't be scared to dance at your Xmas party.

Don't fret, there's certain to be 1 worse dancer than you out on the floor. Have a good time and get down! On a much more serious note, this is how to avoid falling off the fitness program in the busy vacation season. Get your butt out of bed fifteen mins early so you may have three mins to wake up and twelve mins to do the December 2007 Turbulence Coaching 12-Minute Workouts.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

More testosterone does not neccesarily mean more strength and muscle!

How frequently have we heard the higher a person's testosterone level, the stronger and more muscle-bound he can be? Well, I am here to tell you this isn't the case. How do I know? From the BioHealth 205 adrenal profiles ( which test one's levels at the cellular level-where all metabolic activity originates-and not the blood level, like a blood draw would ) that I have run on me and my clients. Listen to me ; I was terribly stunned to see that one's hormone levels don't guarantee extra strength and lean muscle mass. In Apr of 2008 I posted a 1390 raw total at a body weight of 170 pounds in the game of powerlifting.

It is the highest one I have done to date, and it was done while I was in Stage one adrenal fatigue. My testosterone level was really on the high range of "normal", and my estradiol and estriol levels were low. As I observed formerly, my Cortisol pattern showed me to be in Stage one adrenal fatigue ; except for a strength sportsman that's not so bad-all hard coaching considered.

Fast forward to June 2009. I had my adrenals re-checked and the BioHealth 205 results proved that not only was I don't in Stage one adrenal fatigue ; but my hormone levels were awfully high. My testosterone and progesterone were so high the lab had to test twice for accuracy. It is fascinating to notice that in this time when I was bolstering for my adrenal fatigue and removing obstructing factors and poisonous load that I didn't hit an individual record on any of my individual lifts or total, and I didn't gain any lean muscle mass.

I have observed the very same thing in several clients now, and that has lead me to realize that though having a favorable hormone profile is naturally always in our best interest ; it doesn't mechanically mean that we are going to get stronger or gain lean muscle.

There's clearly so much more that goes into both these things , for example coaching, discipline, believing in yourself, getting over coaching, and so on. I'll say that more than some clients who improved their adrenal profiles did actually add lean muscle and did gain strength. my point of this post is to tell you that simply because you already have high testosterone levels or have improved your hormonal profile that you're going to get bigger and stronger in the gymnasium. You still need to get in there constantly, work out what does it for you, stay consistent, remain determined, and bust your ass.

Is it possible to get fat from too much protein?

A fortnight gone I was having dinner at our local Outback, when I overheard the following in the booth behind me : "My coach claims that if you eat too much protein, it will turn to fat." Did you catch that? And if somebody posed that suggestion to you, how would you respond? This is a great exercise in logic, so let's take a look at it for a 2nd : First, is it really possible to become fat by eating too much protein? Sure, in the same way it is of course possible to die by getting hit by lightning while you are being eaten alive by a shark. 2nd , is it likely that you will get too fat from eating too much protein? Well again, it's about as likely as getting hit by lightning while you are being eaten alive by a shark. To be barely more heavy, let's do a bit of thermodynamic arithmetic : If your caloric needs are say, 2500 calories every day, and you eat a high protein diet composed from 7500 calories per day, you can definitely get fat- that is my educated guess. let's inspect the unlikely mechanics of eating this much protein for a second.

If we are saying that your 7500-calorie diet is eighty % protein, this indicates that you are getting 6000 calories from protein per day, which equates to 1500 grams of protein.

Further, if a 6-ounce chicken escallop contains 40 grams of protein, you'll have to eat 37 chicken fillets a day to hit that number. Or to use another food source, you'd need to consume about 37 protein shakes each day ( presuming each shake contained forty grams of protein ) are you able to Get Fat By Eating too much Protein? OK that is clearly ludicrous so let's tweak the first example to a somewhat rather more likely eventuality : Using stern thermodynamics, you would have to consume about 3600 calories per week ( or about 5 hundred a day ) above and outside your normal caloric necessities, to gain a pound of excess bodyfat in that very same period. So if your caloric needs are 2500 per day, we are now assuming you are eating 3k calories every day, where eighty % of those calories come from protein. Now you are eating six hundred grams of protein every day, or fifteen chicken escallops or shakes a day.

Unlikely? Well OK, not as not likely as getting hit by lightning while you are being eaten alive by a shark, but have you eaten fifteen chicken fillets in 24 hours ( or equivalent to it ) ? I never have, not even once.

Now I have eaten the same caloric equivalent in fats and / or carbohydrates - in fact many times. And I bet you have too. In truth, 3k calories in non-protein form is surprisingly simple to consume.

Here are some possible options you could consider :

* two & pints of Haagen Daz ice cream ( this would be my first choice )
* A 14-inch All Natural Pepperoni Pan Pizza
* ( six ) Starbucks Venti Caramel Frappuccino's with full milk
* Or you might mix & match. For instance :
* ( one ) Pint of Haagen Daz, ( two ) pieces of pizza, and ( two ) Starbucks

anyway, it should be clear that it's much more likely to become fat eating fats and / or carbohydrates than it is to get from eating too much protein. So with that under consideration, what is the concept for statements like the one I overheard at Outback? What incentivizes people to assert stuff like this, given how preposterously improbable they are? Is it straightforward ignorance? Or maybe many of us have some form of PETA-inspired loathing of protein? I would really like your thoughts on this, so please push the comments link below and share your experiences and insights!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

5 Biggest weight lifting myths

You may be working out in the gymnasium everyday for a considerable time, and yet have spotted no change in your body in any way. In truth you could still be that wimpy small nerd with no life. But why? I mean, you have been working out for months, or perhaps years, but you still cannot get the muscles, self worth or a life. It's either because you do anything wrong, or not working yourself hard enough.

Most likely, you do anything wrong. The majority do not work out the proper way. There are a large amount of misconceptions about bodybuilding out there. Maybe they're the fact that you are not gaining enough muscle. Here are the top 5 myths about bodybuilding :

1 - Eating more builds more muscle - This is one of the dirtiest lies out there. To the contrary, it makes you gain fat.Bodybuilders aren't the healthiest folk in the world. In truth they're in horrible health. Some have hypertension, some have heart issues, all as the eat way more than they require. You need to only eat whatever the body needs.

2 - Coaching like a body-builder makes you a bodybuilder - Another hideous lie. This is one of the most unsafe things you can do to oneself. You often likely will get wounded, or become unwell. A median person doesn't have the capacity to stuff like the pros. That is just how it is.

3 - Steroids Help - Steroids don't help. Regardless of how much you have had that feeling you need steroids, don't go there. Steroids are much too perilous to use. They have too many difficult complications such as coronary disease, stroke, unattractive features in both males and females, and steroid users are much more likely to use poisoned needles and giving themselves HIV.

4 - If you do not work out for a very long time, your muscles will change into fat- This is one of the most daft things I've heard. Muscle is made of single living cells. How would they transform into undesired organic matter? It is not possible. Rather than turning into fat, they'll simply shrink. That is all.

5 - You need steroids or additions to get lean muscle- This is one of the things the bodybuilding industry has lied to you about. If you lack some vitamins and minerals, then you do need additions, but if your body doesn't need any of this stuff, don't utilize them. You can still create muscle without any additions.

Preventing injuries when weight lifting

Beginning a new weight lifting fitness plan can be motivating for somebody looking to build strength. However, an injury will speedily stop your workout while you have got to give your muscles extra recovery time. These are some steps to follow so you can avoid wounds while lifting weights. Step one in stopping wounds during your weight lifting fitness plan is to form a stretching routine.

For some reason, stretching is regarded as a time waster to several folk working on their fitness. Stretching should be done before and after a workout as it improves your body's flexibleness and decreases your chance of having muscle tenderness. The very next step in injury prevention is to be certain you are performing the workout in the right way. It could be profitable to hire an individual tutor for some sessions to show you the easiest way to properly lift weights. In the long-run, the price will be of use because you can know what you are intended to do and what to stay away from. Just remember that doing a workout inaccurate once may cause you years of agony accompanied by hospital bills. Rather than hopping into a weight lifting routine fit for the planet's strongest man competition, slowly increase the quantity of weight you are lifting in 5 pound increments. Ensure you always have someone there to identify you if you are lifting on a bench. If you are lifting in 5 pound increments, you are less certain to add so much weight that you are unable to lift the bar ; it's still always best to have a person there to help in case too much weight is incidentally added. Don't work the same muscle grouping a couple of days in a row because muscles have to be given time to repair . After you start your weight lifting routine, you will find that muscles are sometimes sore the following day after a workout. Eat protein inside a half hour of your workout to hurry up the time needed for recovery.

By following these steps, you're reducing your chance of wounding your body so you will not delay your weight lifting fitness results.